


男女格差、日本は過去最低の105位 世界経済フォーラムが発表

日本の男女格差が話題になっていますが、さらに男女格差があるとされている韓国(111位)。今週のThe Economistの特集記事でも、女性の地位に関する内容が含まれています。


Women in South Korea: A pram too far | The Economist


WHEN MOTHERS SAW Park Chan-hee pushing his young daughter’s pram in the park, they assumed he was unemployed. 

(他の母親たちはPark Chan-heeさんが公園で小さな娘の乳母車を押している姿を見れば、彼は失業中だと思うだろう)

"assume ~"(~と看做す、仮定する、思い込む)

Mr Park spent a year as a stay-at-home dad, which he found harder than doing his military service.



Mothers with young children spend nearly five times as long looking after their family and home as fathers do, calculates Jayoung Yoon of the Korea Labour Institute. But at least the ratio is getting better. In 2009 men gave about half an hour a day more of their time to domestic chores than they had done ten years earlier, and women shaved off roughly 20 minutes. In the Korean sex wars, the front line moves slowly.

(Korea Labour InstituteJayoung Yoon氏によれば、小さな子を持つ母親は父親の5倍近い時間を家事に費やす。しかし、少なくとも改善した数値ではあるようだ。2009年、男性は10年前に比べて30分も家事に割く時間が増え、女性は約20分減らした。韓国の男女を巡る争いも前線はゆっくりと動いている)



"shave off"(削ぎ落とす)


The burden of child-rearing poses a formidable obstacle to women’s professional ambitions.

(育児負担は 職業での成功を目指す女性にとってはやっかいな障害となっている)





Instead, they make unreasonable demands on their wives—who have responded by going on baby-strike.





The government is exploring two other solutions to the baby-strike. One is to make it easier for working parents to look after their own children by extending parental leave and shortening the working week. The other is to offer help with getting someone else to look after the children.




Mr Park notes that the South Korean media have recently begun to highlight the role of fathers in child-rearing, but he feels they are missing the point. Magazines report that engaged fathers help their children become more sociable and better “leaders”. They are urging fathers to roll their sleeves up not so much to ease their wives’ burden but to sharpen the child’s competitive edge.


"competitive edge"(競争力)なんですが、edgeなので、高める=sharpenとなります。



This competitive spirit may be the chief reason why fertility is so low.




 The coming baby boom?




It seems that the relationship between fertility and household income has shifted. Increased prosperity used to lead to a decline in the fertility rate as parents did not need children as an insurance policy for their old age; and indeed, the modern child is very expensive to bring up. But now better-off people seem to be having more children; in the US, the fertility rate of wives whose husbands are in the top decile of income is back where it was a century ago. Having a lot of children may be a sign of status - BCA dubs this the "Brangelina effect" - or it may be that better-off women can afford the childcare help (and increased housing space) that children necessitate.


”insurance policy” (保険証券、保険証書)

”better-off ” (より裕福な)

"decile" (10%) <-"decade"(10年)とか”decathlon”(10種競技)とか、"dec"がつくと10に関係がある単語ですね。"December"も昔は10月でした。JulyとAugustの割り込みがある前は

”Brangelina” (Brad PittとAngelina Jolie夫婦)


The figures also show that fertility and female employment rates are now positively correlated, whereas they were negatively correlated in 1980. BCA links this to gender equality - in countries where women earn nearly as much as men, they can afford to combine childcare with work. There may also be a copying effect - as women see that their friends and relatives cope with having children, they tend to follow suit.



"cope with"(困難に立ち向かう)

"follow suit"(先例に倣う、後に続く)


An unequal society may see a baby boom in the financial elite but that won't be sufficient to move the overall rate as much as BCA projects.



"project" 動詞として使われると(予想する、見積もる、計画する)