chief mouser
"The Foreign Office" (外務省)
"Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO)" (外務および英連邦省)
イギリスのFCOがPalmerstonと名付けられた猫を"chief mouser" (ねずみ捕獲長)として採用された、とのこと。
”It's thought the cat was named after Lord Palmerston, a former prime minister described as "a charismatic and popular figure".
Lord Palmerston didn't become PM until he was 71, making him the oldest leader in history to take up the office for the first time.”
"the prime minster's home" (首相官邸)にも、Larryという名のchief mouserが勤務しているそうです。
LarryのTwitterによると、イギリスの猫は"tuna" (まぐろ)を食べるんですね。
"I've checked David Cameron's tax returns; it's apparent that he can afford a LOT more tuna than he's currently giving me." (David Cameronの納税申告を確認したところ、今よりずっと沢山のまぐろを与える財力がありそうだ)
"Chancellor of the Exchequer" (財務大臣)の猫は、Freyaだそうです。猫、人気ですね。
The Larry Diaries: Downing Street - The First 100 Days (English Edition)
- 作者: Simon & Schuster UK
- 出版社/メーカー: Simon & Schuster UK
- 発売日: 2011/10/13
- メディア: Kindle版
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